Saturday, August 20, 2011

Done Like Dinner

I put a resume out for a job that I really REALLY wanna have.

I probably wont hear from anyone about it until sometime next week.
It is not guaranteed, and as they start the re-hiring for the upcoming new year I sit at the bottom of the totum pole un-sure that the call will even come.

Yet with all that uncertainty I still left my current job.
There needed to be new staff in place before I left and it could be a last minute walk away... so as I'm such a nice person I resigned ages ago...
I finished training my replacement yesterday and walked out into the world of unemployment.

I'm so scared, we are already cash strapped as it is and now I have no income!!
Well I suppose that is not entirely true..... I deliver flowers, scoop ice cream, and am doing enumeration starting next Friday..... I still have room for odd jobs if anyone is looking to hire for random hours.... and my new job (being ever so optimistic) doesn't start until September sometime.. if it's the job I want then the second week I believe.

Yet with all that uncertainty I still feel pretty proud of myself.  To be able to make a life changing decision and then act on it, knowing that I could be left open to look for something new, it's kinda exciting actually.

I will miss my 'kiddo' she was an adorable sweetheart and the last couple of months we had a blast together... lots of giggling going on in that stupid car (I hated driving in the end)

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