Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Absent Minded Mind

So, yeah it's been a little while...

I just haven't had the 'drive' to blog lately.
Not even to use the challenges (which I grew so bored of anyway) to get me writing again.

The weather has been wet and dreary... my mind has followed the same pattern.  Wet and dreary.


Yet saying that doesn't make sense either... there have been so many positives that are worthy of noting.

My daughter is home for the summer (yay!)
My son got a job close to home so we see him LOTS (yay!)
We are getting a new puppy.. or puppies in 2 weeks (yay!)
I got a new dog scooter that I've run the dogs with 6 times already (yay!)
I just found out that another (this makes 2) old high school 'touble maker' buddy is coming to visit me (yay!)

So... dreary mind?

Yeah, a little... it'll pass... oh but the joys of dealing with depression.. yay me.
I don't feel sorry for myself, not at all.  I know that I can crawl out of this funk, in fact I'm almost there...

The sun is starting to shine, it'll help.

                                    Now I just need the mud to dry up, then all will be perfect.

1 comment:

Mom said...

A good friend of mine died yesterday. I walked around the streets with Scruffy and thought what a wonderful time of the year it is. The smell of lilac is heavy in the air because there so much of it in this City. The grass is so green and trees are full out.The neighbourhood looks so fresh and clean from the rain. Flowers spilling out of pots in the gardens, and perennials poking up their heads everywhere. I feel lucky to be alive, and sorry that my friend isn't. xo