Thursday, March 22, 2012

Full Speed Ahead

My horoscope today reads;
Today's New Moon falls in your sign, marking a turning point in your year. You are already preparing to make important changes, but have probably experienced a few false starts or setbacks in recent months. Although it might require another month or so to see significant progress, the intentions you set now confirm that the ball is rolling in the right direction. Be ready to start the next part of your journey because there's no going back.
I do not read my 'scopes regularly, nor do I take any advice from them.  It is more of a glance over and most of the time chuckle at what is foretold of my upcoming day. 
However I had to share today's astrological forecast.
My life is full of roads and pathways. 
Some are straight and paved with clear direction.
Most are cracked pavement, gravel or dirt ruts that seem to twist and turn with many sharp bends and forks with no signs telling me which way I should go.
I've recently taken a road that was void of travel. A path that not many have crossed, one that I will have to walk along with few who understand what obstacles I will encounter.
A little.
I've started running and it isn't as easy as I thought it would be without dogs tied to my waist.
My diet has changed for the better and although I still cheat, it isn't big cheats and I don't feel bad when I've eaten that little piece of chocolate.
I have lost 15 pounds now.  So it is all worth it.
'Be ready to start the next part of your journey because there's no going back.'
This sounds ominous... yet excites me too.
I'm turning that corner ahead, and will do so with my head held high.... look out here I come!

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