I've been ever so neglectful of my blog and I'm not sure why.
No, I love to write and do so in a written journal often.
Not that either, I love reading other blogs so that cannot be it.
Yep, on the nose.
In fact I write this in the few moments of quiet restful me time before leaving for work.
Work.... ugh.... I love, LOVE my job but after 2 weeks off for the holidays it is really hard this year to get back to a routine and part of that is getting my butt in gear to head back to work.
I've had the most wonderful 2 weeks off which also led me to wanting to send this letter of thanks out to those who made my break what it was.
For you unconditional love, for giving up a week from your busy life of theatrical pursuits and work hours to be with us. I miss you very much and hated, HATED saying goodbye when you left for your home back east. We will see you again sooner than later I hope!!
Mom and Dad
Just for being who you are I am thankful every day.
Mom, you make me smile over the holidays.. especially with our 'box' game. Your enthusiasm for wanting to have us all together is important.
Dad, for being a good sport and hanging with Teddy in front of the telly while we toughed out the cold around the fire.
For opening your door to our crazy family this holiday once again.
For being the best sister and friend I could ever ask for and having that one person I can phone or text in a time of need.
For showing an interest in my crazy winter sport and wanting to share this interest by hanging out in the cold while you capture our crazy moments. This I am ever so thankful for.
Rick and Dena
For allowing me to step into a role within your team of furry athletes. Amazing dogs belonging to an amazing family. I have so much fun with them and their quirky personalities.
Yes I even enjoy being dragged along behind the team eating dirt, grasses and snow... well... okay maybe 'enjoy' is a little bit of an exaggeration. However it all builds experience and I learn so much every time I am out with Rick and the team.
My next goal is being able to drag that sled to the tree or post to tie off on my own.
For finally getting together for 'us' time!
I miss our time that we used to spend together and am hopeful for many this upcoming year. I'm also thankful for the results from your medical ordeal.

I know we we were not together for this break, but knowing you are happy with your adventures (and healthy!!) makes me feel so much better and makes missing you that much easier.
I left you until last.
My biggest thanks is to you.
You are an incredible partner in my life and over this holiday break you came through in waves.
Pretty much taking over the outside dog chores for the break.
Following me through the mall while I hunted for just the right shoes.
Supporting me in my sadness over our boy heading back East.
Helping to get dogs organized and taking us to the field so I could run the dogs even when you were feeling crappy with your back and shoulder.
Staying home alone with the dogs while I leave you all to hang out on the back of a sled for hours and even having supper waiting for me!
I could not ask for a better husband, partner, and friend.
Thank you.
Thanks to everyone who makes a difference in my life. There are so many of you out there that just one letter could never cover it all. This includes ALL my friends over social media, the daily chats and comments all make me thankful for you in my life as well.
It was this holiday season that was full of relaxation, joy and excitement that made me sit back and realize that none of this would have happened without all you special people in my life.
Thank you.
1 comment:
Dear Shelley, I just spent a half an hour writing a heart-felt comment to your post and immediately lost it. I just wanted to respond to your letter of thanks. Dad and I are also very thankful and grateful for you all - our three wonderful children, individualists, adventurous, sensitive and kind and fiercely independent people. Thankful that you and Andrea have two soul-mates for partners and only wish that Mike would be lucky enough, one day to find someone to share his life with. You and Ray in turn have raised two wonderful, adventurous and loving people, our grandchildren, Brianne and Jesse, and wish that one day there might be yet another generation. May be that's asking for too much, haha! This next year will be an exciting one for you, lots of dog-sledding races and a trip to China. Dad and I have never regretted spending our house down payment on a trip to Australia. It is a lifetime of memories. Do go to China! I hope you sell the building this year. We only wish all the very best in the world for all of you. Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to all of you, Love Mom and Dad. Xoxoxo
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