We are here.
And by that I mean that team Controlled Chaos has made it into Prince Albert.
Short a couple of wheels, and with a genius side of the road middle of nowhere moves, Rob and Randy managed to piece back together the crippled trailer.
(pictures to follow)
Bed time wasn't until 1 AM which could make for a very long day or one filled with hilarity. Let's hope for the latter.
After travelling with Rick and Dena from Didsbury which took us about 9 hours I said goodbye to the team by giving each one a good scratch behind the ears and an added bonus butt rub... the fur team members that is... and sat back to wait for Randy.
Sitting in the lounge I met Gerry Walker and his wonderful wife Brenda and instantly took a liking to both of them. I think anyone who loves their dogs as much as the mushers I have met so far have to be incredible people, and they are.
Randy arrived around 11pm with his entourage or his dog sled groupies and driver. Dena has dubbed him Rock Star Randy.
Melissa and Jessica are two young veterinarians from Fort Mac who wanted to come along and cheer the team on. And what a bonus if anyone is dropped from the team for any medical issue, this made me feel so much more at ease with the care of the dogs.
They will not be allowed to help during the race but I can certainly ask any questions or voice my concerns if there happens to be any.
Rob the driver is a tall bush man (my first impression) but after breakfast today I'm convinced he is more of a gentle teddy bear. I'll let you know as I get to know him better.
The human team has head to Canadian Tire to pick up last minute supplies and see if repairs can be made on the trailer before tomorrow. I have hung back to write a quick word and maybe close my eyes for a short moment.
Vet checks are at 11:15 with a meeting at 4:00 and then meet the musher at 6:00
Tomorrow the race starts at 12 noon in down town Prince Albert.
I am still waiting on word from the young lady Laquasha Laviolette. They have had the worst luck on their trip out here. I do hope they make it with plenty of time to spare so that she may get a good sleep for the big day tomorrow.
I will get out with my camera today to get pictures of the team, human and fur dudes, and will get back on here with a report on how the vet check turned out.
In the meantime I'm going to close my eyes for a bit, I do believe sleep will be lacking after today.
Rick getting organized for supper while DeCar supervises
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