I feel physical pain deep within my stomach.
Breathing becomes a chore as I gasp for breath.
My palms become damp with sweat and as I wipe them off on my thighs I find myself doubled over feeling weak at the knees.
Breathe.... focus..... one breath at a time.
I drop to the floor on my knees... dizzy.
Breathe.... focus.... one breath at a time.
I received an e-mail today discussing a get together with the ladies who will form our group that will be entering the 100 mile skijour race in 2 years.
This is real.
Excitment courses through me at the thought of such an adventure.
Fear takes over as I think of all I need to do to get myself and my dogs ready.
I'm so scared.
I can hardly breathe.
Breathe.... focus.... one breath at a time.
So I stand up.... legs apart to hold my balance and face my fears.
I can do this.
I will do this.
It's okay to be scared, not okay to give in to the fear and let it stop me.
You can do it!! It sounds so exciting! Just think of all the bonding you will do with your dogs as you both strive, excell, and just have fun together.
Thanks for sharing valuable information and I hope it will work beneficial for other member as me...
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