Wednesday, February 1, 2012

"Act Your Age!!"

I seriously have the best job in the world.

We got to go skiing at Nakiska with the kids yesterday. With temperatures hovering in the 0 degree range, light falling snow on and off, and an absolutely incredible group of kids it was a perfect day.
I have never really been downhill skiing before, not counting the one time I went without lessons flipping and falling all the way down with my little sister many years ago.  SO considering my age it was decided lessons were in order this time.

Having just supervised almost 200 kids getting boots and skis on I was late for lessons and not sure which group I was suppose to join, so making my way over I joined the first one in which I recognized kids from our school.
Standing at the end of the line and having my poles removed from me I was the tallest kid there and probably 35 years or so older than most of them.
I missed some of the instruction but was a quick learner and a keen student and was lucky enough to have the cute instructor with the Australian accent stand with me in line while we waited to go up the 'bunny hill'.  It was here that I gained some one on one with great tips on how to use my feet to help with my turns.

After lessons I decided to practice at least once more down the bunny hill.
Easy peasy.

Back in the lodge I found another co-worker who had only skied once before and a couple who were experienced to come with me to the Bronze Runs.

At the top I was a tad nervous, but confident that I could do this without a problem.
After all looking good in my black ski jacket and snow pants,it was just a matter of keeping up appearances and swooshing down that mountain... besides the run ran under the chair lift that carried the students I work with and I HAD to set a good example.

Off we went.

The two experienced skiers flew ahead looking just as I was planning to look like.... the other one was taking it slow and steady holding her snow plow stance to keep an even run enjoying the scenery and able to chat it up with the kids around us.
I on the other hand went screaming down the steep drop ahead of me full speed ahead.
Honestly I couldn't hear the voice in my head telling me how I was suppose to slow down... but hey... those turns were perfect.  
Oh yeah.. I looked pro.. at least I would have if it wasn't for the scream coming out of my mouth, that and the fact that I went for the most amazing tumble ever ending up on my back  and sliding a few hundred feet before coming to a stop.

However anyone can take a tumble, it was icy where I went for the spill.
It was trying to get UP from a downed position that killed my image completely.
That was what I missed showing up late for my lessons, I'm sure of it now.

I eventually gave up, squatted on my skis and came down full speed ahead toboggan style to where my co-workers were waiting for me. 

I am happy to say that the first run of the day was my 'learning' one and I was pretty pro after that, meaning that there wasn't another spectacular tumble.   Although I did learn that I am unable to keep it as slow and steady as my ski buddy can.  Not sure if I'm honestly doing something wrong or if sub consciously I love the speed and the thrill of knowing I could lose control at any minute.

It was decided that I do not act my age (as if that was ever an option in my opinion), and couldn't get enough while I dragged anyone willing out with me on the runs.  It was all I could do to sit and have a coffee break with the 'adults' in my group.

This morning however I do FEEL my age as every muscle from my neck down yells at me in pain.... will I ever learn?
NO WAY!!!  I just wish it wasn't so expensive to go skiing... I'd be there every weekend if I could!

After all... I have to get to that point of looking good swooshing down that mountain for next year when I head out with the kids again... although I do plan on hitting the Silver runs and heard they were much steeper and longer which means more screaming down the hill I suppose.


Amy said...

Awesome. I so relate! You tell it so well!!!

Motivational Speaker Brisbane said...

Nice article to be shared. I would like to say this is really awesome and appreciable.