Friday, June 10, 2011

Comments Interuptus

This seems like an odd thing to do here on this blog...

However I just wanna let a few of you know (and you will know who you are)...
Blogspot will not allow me to comment on anyone elses blogs.. including my own!!

It re-directs me somewhere else and just will not post any comments I've made.. very frustrating, and strange all the same... so.....
My silence has nothing to do with absence or not caring or any other reasons that can be thought of.
It is all technical and one day I shall figure out what I'm doing wrong.

Just thought I'd say something here..  At least I've got this part figured out... kinda, sorta.

Oh.. have a great day btw!!!  (dontcha just love the new scooter.. my dogs do too!!)

1 comment:

ainnirbard said...

Very nice!! (Blogspot was acting weird on me a couple weeks ago...)