Friday, May 20, 2011

The Challenge of Challenges

It feels like I've been avoiding doing these challenges.. and how many are there?  184?  No, seriously, I think it was 64... yeah, gonna be awhile before they get done.

Life has sort of woven it's way into my free time, and although that is a good thing, it has exhausted me as well.  Although saying that, I cannot think of anything important that I've done besides work and dog chores.
I do know that I have avoided getting the room ready for my daughter (who comes home tomorrow!!) and will be organizing and cleaning like a mad woman tonight and tomorrow in order to move her in for the summer.
Some things will never change, I've always been one to wait until the last minute.  I believe that by doing so it is possible to avoid doing 'it' altogether... which is never the case, but you never know.. one day.

Anyhoooo... on to the challenge at hand... doing the next challenge which I believe is #23, 5 good things that have happened to you since beginning this challenge.

Besides waking up every morning and taking a breath?

1.  I held a 2 week old puppy that had just opened her eyes... and decided that she should become a member of our pack.

2. I was able to see my son perform on stage, not once but twice!

3. Got me a new lap top!!  Good thing for me, bad thing for housework however.

4. Fell asleep in the sunshine while the dogs laid beside me, all of us enjoying the warmth and companionship.. now if that isn't a 'good' thing, I don't know what is.

5.  Found me a second hand scooter for the dogs... that is stupid exciting for me, you have no idea.. I cannot wait to pick it up.

 Isn't this the most beautiful thing you have ever seen?  Well.. to me it is!!  Holy crap I'm so excited I think I almost peed my pants!!!

1 comment:

ainnirbard said...

I have a Diggler scooter - so I understand!! I also like napping in the sun (or shade) with the dogs...bliss!