I feel old..... well.... maybe not THAT old.
No, it's not that I feel old,,,,, but I'm 'getting' old.
Could it be due to the fact that my baby girl just turned 22?
Or that my son turns 19 this week?
Or that I now am desperate to colour my hair as there seems to be a multitude of these un-coloured (grey) hairs on my head?
Or that I don't sleep well?
Or that in less than a month I will be over my mid 40's and heading into LATE 40's?? (ugh)
OR could it be that I now go to functions where I used to be the same age as everyone or younger and now find myself realizing that I could be their mother????
So.... does this mean I will now start walking in a slouched position?
does this mean I will start having to wear adult diapers? (although there could be benefits to those at times)
does this mean I will become crotchety and miserable, kicking small animals and young children?
does this mean my hair will turn blue?
does this mean I will smell like moth balls?
Nope... I don't wanna get old!
I refuse... I'm gonna wear my blue jeans forever.... I'm gonna smoke pot in public parks....I'm gonna listen to heavy metal and ska always.... I'm gonna dance like a stripper... I'm gonna wear lacy bras.... I'm gonna act like a kid... always....
Nope... I'm not gonna get old... no more birthdays for me!
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